
Fallout 76 resource map
Fallout 76 resource map

fallout 76 resource map

Expect to encounter enemies from levels 10 to 30. While smaller than other regions, it is no less dangerous.


The Toxic Valley, located in the northern reaches of Appalachia, has been transformed into dry lakebeds full of toxic mists and inhospitable wastelands. Geared towards newcomers, expect to encounter enemies from level ranges 1 to 10. The Forest is where players will start the game, and covers the largest area of Appalachia. One player may find items that another will not - depending on respawning enemies and items, containers and related quests will always remain. Remember that Fallout 76 is an online experience that's constantly changing. Cranberry Bog - located in the southeastern corner of the map, this treacherous area is home to the ruins of a city surrounded by red marshlands.Ĭlick on a location below to learn more about them, where to find them, and what you can expect to find.

fallout 76 resource map

  • The Mire - this area can be found in the far east of the map, and its swampy terrain hides many secrets.
  • fallout 76 resource map

    The Ash Heap - located in the southern area of the map on the west side, this blackened region is the result of fires from the mines below the land and the mining camps that dot this area.Toxic Valley - found in the top northern area of the map, this imposing region is full of toxic geysers as well as the remains of an amusement park - and a mysterious crash site.The Savage Divide - located in the central east area of the map, a large and imposing mountain range divides the land with large ski resorts, observatories, and eerie mansions nestled at the top.The Forest - where Vault 76 is nestled near the central west area of the map, and featuring farmlands, rivers, and rolling hills full of trees.Below you will find a list of all known locations in Appalachia, divided up into the 6 major regions:

    Fallout 76 resource map